"Antiquus Scriptum is a band from Portugal. They play a mixture of pagan black, viking and folk metal. This 2CD album is released on 2 february.
This album starts with fast paced riffs you can hardly tell which instruments they are. The vocals keeps it together with folk rhythms. The most songs on this album are above the 8 min.. The song "Zagallos, Jardim De Falácias" is a quiet song from 1,27 minutes. Birds are singing and you suddenly feel this is a different album you are listening to. "Procemium / A Viking Belief" is the longest song of the first CD, 16,41 minutes. The song starts off with some drums and little guitars. By the 3 minute mark the song speeds up and keeps going to around 4,28 which is a long intro for a song. It's a nice difference from the darkness of the most songs. This was the first CD on to the second one.
The first song on the second CD begins with a flute and drums, sometimes they say "Hey". Its a very happy song that let you think of the Folk music. "Remember Me As King" is a song that starts not so rough as the others, more melodic. I like that the music has 2 stages from begin to middle and middle to the end, it's like 2-3 seperate songs. "Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder" is the longest song on this whole album, 17,16 minutes long. It starts very dark and fast paced, the riffs are well balanced. The vocals are a bit screamy to make it more dark. This long song doesn't change from music like some other songs do. It's a song that keeps your attention. The last song of this 2 CD album is "The Cold Lips Of Isabelle (Conclusio Lugubris)" which starts with piano music and ends off with a sound like clapping. Good ending song for this 2CD album.
If you like epic, pagan black, viking and folk metal, this would be a CD for you, you never get bored on this album."
(Nathasja Voerman / DutchMetalManiac)
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