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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sample of the tape cover of the split with Xerión...

Sample da capa k7 do split com Xerión...

Saudações do Vale Encantado! Deixo, só por curiosidade, para os seguidores vais veementes das actividades de Antiquus Scriptum, o sample da tape do split com os galegos Xerión, "... Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue)", que sairá também em versão cassete pela espanhola Nigra Mors, limitada a 100 cópias, lá mais para a Primavera de 2017... Semeamos hoje, para colher amanhã e se os deuses ibéricos da guerra a da glória quiserem, juntos triunfaremos!... Obrigado ao Nocturno de Xerión - Celtic Black Metal (Official Fanpage) / Nigra Mors pela oportunidade. Abraço a todos! Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \M/ O \m/

Sample of the tape cover of the split with Xerión...

Greetings from the Enchanted Valley! I leave here, just out of curiosity, to the most vehement followers of the Antiquus Scriptum activities, the sample of the tape cover of the split with the Galicians Xerión, "... Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue)" *(... Parables, Fantasies & Chimeras... (An Lusitanian and Galician Alliance of Blood and Honor)" , which shall also be released in cassette version by the Spanish Nigra Mors, limited to 100 copies, there more for the Spring 2017... We seed today to reap tomorrow and if the Iberians gods of war the glory will, together we shall triumph!... Thanx to Nocturno of Xerión - Celtic Black Metal (Official Fanpage) / Nigra Mors for the opportunity. Regards to all! Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Split com os galegos Xerión cá fora em Janeiro de 2017!!

Saudações do Teatro dos Sonhos! Tenho a honra e o prazer de anunciar, que Antiquus Scriptum compartilhará um Split CD com os galegos Xerión, que está previsto para Janeiro de 2017. O trabalho chamar-se-á: "... Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue)" e será como o próprio nome indica, uma comunhão celtibérica em honra dos antepassados galegos e lusitanos, que viveram em harmonia e juntos combateram os romanos pela honra e dignidade de uma Península Ibérica livre, há mais de 2.000 annos atrás... O split CD será lançado pela alemã Wolfmond Production, e será impresso em formato Pro-CDr (de muito boa qualidade!), limitado a 300 cópias, e pela espanhola Nigra Mors em Pro Tape, limitada a 100 exemplares, ambos os lançamentos agendados para a mesma altura. O meu agradecimento ao Nocturno de Xerión / Nigra Mors pela honrosa aliança e à Wolfmond Production por apoiar esta união! A todos um grande abraço e que os antigos deuses Ibéricos estejam convosco ;) Humildemente: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Split with the Galicians Xerión out there in January 2017!!

Greetings from the Theatre of Dreams! I have the honor and pleasure to announce that Antiquus Scriptum will share a split CD with the Galicians Xerión, which is scheduled for January 2017. The work shall be named: "... Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue)" *(... Parables, Fantasies & Chimeras... (An Lusitanian and Galician Alliance of Blood and Honor)" and will be as the name indicates, a Celtiberian communion in honor of our Galician and Lusitanian ancestors, whom lived in harmony and together fought the Romans for the honor and dignity of a free Iberian Peninsula, for more than 2.000 years ago... The split CD shall be released by the German Wolfmond Production and will be printed on Pro-CDr format (with very good quality!), limited to 300 copies, and by the Spanish Nigra Mors in Pro Tape, limited to 100 pieces, both releases scheduled for the same period. My thanks to Nocturno of Xerión / Nigra Mors, for this honorable alliance and to Wolfmond Production for support this union! To all a big hug and that the ancient Iberians gods be with ye ;) Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Review for "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo reissue 2016!! (75 / 100)

"Formed in 1998, Antiquus Scriptum is the brainchild of Portuguese multi-instrumentalist Sacerdos Magus. Over the years, the project has had a fair share of line up changes, but Magus has soldiered on; releasing five full lengths and a bevy of splits, compilations and demos, not to mention a seemingly sea of endless reissues, re-packagings, and re-releases. One such reissue, a CD version of the band's third demo, In Pulverem Reverteris (2000), was recently dropped by the US based Elegy Records. Though the demo has appeared on a few versions of the band's first full length, Abi in Malam Pestem, this seems to be the first standalone CD issue for this demo.

Though the project has come a long way in the sixteen years since this has been released, this demo is a fine look back on where Magus and crew started. In Pulverem Reverteris features four tracks, one of which is a flippant neoclassical ambient introduction and an outro that closes off with the sounds of running water, birds chirping and mellow acoustic guitar before building into medieval hand drums and chanting. While those tracks offer a splendid backdrop to revel in the medieval sounds that have been strewn throughout the catalog of Antiquus Scriptum, it's the middle two tracks that offer the most to dig into.

That being said, the title track is a short, two minute chunk of blasting drums, chainsaw tremolo riffing, and flighty, almost happy sounding keyboard strikes. It sounds a bit strange with the uplifting, charging keyboards blaring through the raucous din. What's left then, aside from six minutes worth of intro/outro and a short two minutes blasterpiece, is the sprawling, nine minute “Bula Ad Extirpenda (Innocentio IV, 1252 – Thy Saint Office of Inquisition of Faith)”; what a mouthful. This is where one can truly see the spark of what would make Antiquus Scriptum so special in coming years. The track fires away with ridiculously fast programmed drums and a loud abrasive guitar sound that focuses on rifling through cycles of trem riffs at a high rate of speed. It's very overwhelming for the first few passes, especially once the higher pitched, screamed vocals kick in (reminiscent of Dani Filth circa Cruelty and the Beast, of all things), but once the brain allows focus it should be immediately apparent that Magus creates some monstrously ripping riffs that flit between amateurishly rollicking and decidedly grim and frostbitten. The riffs twist and twine, serpentine in their approach, relenting only for the choral vocals and the all too brief and a little overly loud, folk-laden keyboard passages.

While it's not on the same tier as the band's later period material, it's still an impressive work. There's only around ten minutes of metal here, but the band sandwiched it between some folky, medieval stuff to give a little breathing room. This one of those bands that didn't click with me at first, but after digging and really focusing on what Magus was doing with his riffing, things began to open up. In Pulverem Reverteris isn't really essential material, but it's really cool to see what Magus and crew were doing sixteen years ago". (TheStormIRide for 'Metal Archives' - 75%) 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Vocals for the "Imaginarium" album recorded!!

Vozes para o "Imaginarium" gravadas!!

Saudações, da Ilha do Rei Lagarto \m/ Passo só para informar os meus amigos que as vozes para o próximo longa duração de Antiquus Scriptum, "Imaginarium", com data prevista de edição para o início de 2017, foram gravadas com êxito entre o fim de semana passado e este, nos estúdios Mosh Pit, do meu amigo Paulo Vieira, produtor do disco e músico participante. Correu tudo sobre rodas, sacamos um registo agressivíssimo, bem na linha de Antiquus e atrevemos-nos a fazer uma cover deste épico imortal de Running Wild, "Raise Your Fist", que ficou muita nice, até... :D Não posso deixar de agradecer ao Paulo Vieira, Gustavo Vieira e Ricardo Vieira pela preciosa ajuda que têm dado neste disco e agora vamos passar ao teclado, solos e arranjos. Vão ser mais 4 meses árduos de intenso trabalho para o CD estar cá fora em Janeiro de 2017, mas se os deuses lusos da guerra e da iniquidade quiserem, vamos conseguir!... ;) Grande abraço a todos! Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus 

Vocals for the "Imaginarium" album recorded!!

Greetings from the Island of the Lizard King \m/ I step just to tell my friends that the vocals for the next full-length album of Antiquus Scriptum, "Imaginarium", with an expected release date for the beginning of 2017, were recorded successfully between last weekend and this one, at the Mosh Pit Studios, of my friend Paulo Vieira, producer and participant musician. Everything ran on wheels, we drew an ultra aggressive vocal line, well in the vein of Antiquus and we dare to do a cover of this immortal epic of Running Wild, "Raise Your Fist", which got pretty nice, too... :D I shall thank to Paulo Vieira, Gustavo Vieira and Ricardo Vieira for the invaluable help they are giving in this record and now we go foward with the keyboard composition, solos and arrangements. Shall be more arduous four months of intense work for the CD to be out there in January 2017, but if the Lusitanian gods of war and iniquity want so, we will make it... ;) Big hug to all! Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Special participation on the cover "Transilvanian Hunger", of Darkthrone, confirmed!!...

Participação especial na cover "Transilvanian Hunger", de Darkthrone, confirmada!!...

Saudações da Masmorra Infernal \m/ É com prazer que aqui venho informar que a cover de Darkthrone, "Transilvanian Hunger", que Antiquus Scriptum está a gravar de momento para o próximo full-length album, "Imaginarium", terá a contribuição vocal do Hugo Andremon, de The Sorcerer, que já passou por projectos como os Grog, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, ou Simbiose, etc... As vozes estão a ser gravadas desde há uma semana para cá nos estúdios Mosh Pit, do meu amigo Paulo Vieira, e está tudo a correr sobre rodas e a participação do Andremon só vai consolidar o magnífico trabalho que tem estado a ser feito neste disco pelos músicos participantes (o meu agradecimento especial ao Ricardo Viera, também). Um abraço a todos e muito boa noite ! Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Special participation on the cover "Transilvanian Hunger", of Darkthrone, confirmed!!...

Greetings from the Infernal Dungeon \m/ It's with great pleasure that I come to inform ye that the cover of Darkthrone, "Transilvanian Hunger", which Antiquus Scriptum is recording at the time for the next full-length album, "Imaginarium", shall have the vocal contribution of Hugo Andremon of The Sorcerer, whom has been through projects such as Grog, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, or Simbiose, etc... The vocals are being recorded from a week ago there in the Mosh Pit Studios, of my friend Paulo Vieira, and everything is running on wheels and the participation of Andremon will only consolidate the excellent work that has been done in this record by the participating musicians (my special thanks to Ricardo Viera, too). A hug to all and good night! Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Friday, August 19, 2016

Entrevista na 'Catedral do Rock', 14.8.2016. Especial "Immortalis Factus", reedição Wolfmond Production.

Imortais Saudações \m/ Deixo-vos com a recente entrevista que dei com Antiquus Scriptum, para o programa 'Catedral do Rock', na Popular FM, do grande Jorge Caldeira, no passado Domingo, dia 14 de Agosto, dia importante para Portugal, pois comemorou-se o aniversário da Batalha de Aljubarrota, em 1385... É um especial do álbum "Immortalis Factus", de 2008, agora reeditado pela alemã Wolfmond Production com novo artwork, assim como uma retrospectiva do passado, presente e futuro do projecto. O meu agradecimento ao Jorge por mais esta oportunidade e a todos vocês que a ouvem ;) Grande abraço! 
Humildemente: Magus \m/ O \m/

Saturday, August 13, 2016

New version of "Abi In Malam Pestem" in tape by Craneal Fracture Record, out there!!

Nova versão do "Abi In Malam Pestem" em k7 pela Craneal Fracture Records, cá fora!!

Saudações do Abismo Infernal \m/ Passo para dar a boa nova que a nova edição do 1º álbum de Antiquus Scriptum, "Abi In Malam Pestem", originalmente gravado e editado em 2001 & 2002 (aqui com a demo "In Pulverem reverteris" de 2000 como bónus), já saiu pela espanhola Craneal Fracture Records, numa edição cassete, com novo artwork, e sem número certo de tiragem, 2º a editora... A tape é semi-profissional e está a ser vendida por 3€ + 1€ de portes nacionais. Só tenho 7 cópias disponíveis para venda, portanto quem quiser esta versão cassete, é favor dizer antes que esgote para: 
O meu muito obrigado ao Jose Murcia e à Craneal Fracture Records por todo o empenho e a todos os que adquirirem este assalto. Força & Honra! Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/ 

New version of "Abi In Malam Pestem" in tape by Craneal Fracture Record, out there!!

Greetings from the Infernal Abyss \m/  I step to give the good news that the new edition of the 1st album of Antiquus Scriptum, "Abi In Malam Pestem", originally recorded and released in 2001 & 2002 (here with the demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" of 2000 as bonus), is out through the Spanish Craneal Fracture Records, in a tape edition, with new artwork, and no certain number of drawing, according to the label... The cassettes are semi-professional and are being sold for 3€ + 2€ for international shipping (worldwide!). I only have 7 copies available to sale, so, those whom want this tape version, please let me know, before it runs out to:
 My thanks to Jose Murcia and Craneal Fracture Records for all the effort and all whom purchase this assault. Strength & Honor! Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Reissue of "Conclamatum Est" through Wolfmond Production will be out there, still in August!!

Reedição do "Conclamatum Est" pela Wolfmond Production cá fora, ainda em Agosto!!

Consumadas Saudações! Tudo marcha sobre rodas por aqui, apesar das adversidades diversas, e aqueles que conspiram na sombra contra este afoito projecto luso, podem desfalecer no mais tortuoso desapontamento, pois 2016 está a ser um anno de ouro para Antiquus Scriptum e se Endovélico quiser, 2017 trará ainda frutos melhores... Desta feita, uma semana depois de ter relançado o 2º trabalho da banda, "Immortalis Factus", com novo artwork, á alemã Wolfmond Production planeia já o lançamento do 3º full-length de Antiquus Scriptum, o álbum "Conclamatum Est", originalmente lançado em 2010, e agora relançado com nova arte, numa edição de coleccionador limitada a 100 cópias. Eu deverei ter os CDs na minha posse, lá para o início de Setembro e estes são os samples que integrarão o CD. Um grande abraço ao Daniel Muster da Wolfmond Production por todo o empenho, profissionalismo e rapidez, com as reedições de Antiquus Scriptum. Abraço a todos. Força & Honra! Humildemente: Magus \m/ O \m/

Reissue of "Conclamatum Est" through Wolfmond Production will be out there, still in August!!

Consummated Greetings! All march on wheels here, despite the many adversities, and those whom conspire in the shades against this reckless Lusitanian project, can swoon in the tortuous disappointment, because 2016 is being a golden year for Antiquus Scriptum and if Endovelicus will, 2017 shall bring even better fruit to harvest... This time, only a week after have re-released the 2nd work of the band, "Immortalis Factus" with new artwork, the German Wolfmond Production is already planning the re-release of the 3rd full-length of Antiquus Scriptum, the album "Conclamatum Est", originally released in 2010 and now reissued with brand new art, in a collector's edition limited to 100 copies. I shall have the CDs in my possession, there in early September and these are the samples that shall integrate the CD. A big hug to Daniel Muster of Wolfmond Production for all the commitment, professionalism and fastness, with the reprints of Antiquus Scriptum . Regards to all. Strength & Honor! Humbly: Magus \m/ O \m/

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

New reissue of "Immortalis Factus", through Wolfmond Production, already in my possession!!

Nova reedição do "Immortalis Factus" pela Wolfmond Production, já na minha posse!!

Imortais Saudações! Informo aos quatro ventos que já tenho em meu poder os CDs relativos à nova reedição do álbum, "Immortalis Factus", de Antiquus Scriptum, originalmente lançado em 2008 e agora reeditado em formato Pro-CDr, limitado a 100 exemplares com novo artwork, pela alemã Wolfmond Production. Das cópias que tive direito, 10 (10% de 100), já todas estão reservadas pelo pessoal que comprou também o 1º, "Abi In Malam Pestem"... são exactamente os mesmos, mas os interessados poderão adquirir esta reedição facilmente através da editora Wolfmond, por 5€ apenas (+ portes muito acessíveis), através da página do FB da mesma, ou através do e-mail: 
Relembro que a Wolfmond está a reeditar toda a discografia de Antiquus Scriptum durante a 2ª metade de 2016, nas mesmas condições, todas com novo artwork ;) Obrigado ao Daniel pelo profissionalismo a a todos vocês que adquirirem este assalto \m/ Força & Honra! Humildemente: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/ 

New reissue of "Immortalis Factus", through Wolfmond Production, already in my possession!!

Immortal Greetings! I step to inform to the four winds that I already have in my possession the CD's related with the new reissue of the album, "Immortalis Factus", of Antiquus Scriptum, originally released in 2008 and now reissued in Pro-CDr format, limited to 100 copies with new artwork, by the German Wolfmond Production. Of the copies that had right, 10 (10% of 100), all are reserved for the folks whom also bought the 1st album, "Abi In Malam Pestem"... are exactly the same, but the ones interested can acquire this reissue easily through the label, it self, Wolfmond, for 5€ only (+ very affordable shipping), through the Wolfmond's FB page , or through the e-mail:
I remember that Wolfmond is reissuing all the Antiquus Scriptum's discography during the 2nd half of 2016, under the same conditions, all with new artwork ;) Thanks to Daniel for the professionalism and to all of ye whom purchase this assault \m/ Strength & Honor! Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Friday, August 5, 2016

... The plague is spreading... Someone said about the "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo:

... The plague is spreading... Someone said about the "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo:

"From Portugal, this is a repress of a 2000 demo of this one-man-band. I had not heard of this band prior to this CD.

I have to first say, this is quite unique, I haven't heard anything quite like it. It is a mix of pagan melodies, symphonic orchestrations, black metal and the strangest sounding vocalist I've heard in a while. This has a sound that grows on you with each listen. My only complaint is that this is so short, I wish they would have thrown on some bonus tracks or something.

If you are tired of the mountain of bands who all sound alike, I'd recommend giving Antiguus Scriptum a listen."

(Mourning The Ancient)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Reissue the demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" out there!!

Reedição da demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" cá fora!!

Saudações dos Jardins Nocturnos do Éden! A 1ª demo de estúdio de Antiquus Scriptum, "In Pulverem Reverteris", originalmente lançada em cassete no anno 2000, está finalmente cá fora, no que era para ser um relançamento em Promo CD, mas converteu-se e ainda bem, num lançamento em Promo Digipack (as imagens abaixo são fotos dos digis já depois de impressos, não são samples). A tiragem deste lançamento foi de 300 cópias, mas que vão ser repetidas de futuro, pois a editora não deliberou um número de cópias definitivo... O digi é da norte americana Elegy Records e está a ser vendido por 8€ + 1€ de portes nacionais e se quiserem reservar é uma questão de me dizer, mas por favor não me depositem qualquer valor ainda deste CD, pois a editora é americana e os digis vêm dos states e estão sujeitos a alfândega... '-_- Está a ser um anno épico para A.S. e já se está a cultivar, e de que maneira, para 2017!... ;) Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/ 

Reissue the demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" out there!!

Greetings from the Nocturnes Gardens of Eden! The 1st studio demo of Antiquus Scriptum, "In Pulverem Reverteris", originally released on cassette in the year 2000 is finally out there, in what was to be a re-release in Promo CD, but became and still good, a release in Promo Digipack (the pictures below are photos of the digis already after printed, not samples). The limitation number of this release was 300 copies, but that will be repeated in the future, because the label did not decided a final number of copies... The digi is from the Northern American Elegy Records and is being sold for 8€ + 2€ of international shipping and those whom want to reserve is a matter to tell me, but please do not deposit any amount related with this CD, because the label is American and the digis come from the states and are subject to customs... '-_- Is being an epic year for A.S. and we are already growing, indeed, for 2017... ;) Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

“... Outrora, Quando As Águas Choravam...” Double CD review by DutchMetalManiac!!

"Antiquus Scriptum is a band from Portugal. They play a mixture of pagan black, viking and folk metal. This 2CD album is released on 2 february.

This album starts with fast paced riffs you can hardly tell which instruments they are. The vocals keeps it together with folk rhythms. The most songs on this album are above the 8 min.. The song "Zagallos, Jardim De Falácias" is a quiet song from 1,27 minutes. Birds are singing and you suddenly feel this is a different album you are listening to. "Procemium / A Viking Belief" is the longest song of the first CD, 16,41 minutes. The song starts off with some drums and little guitars. By the 3 minute mark the song speeds up and keeps going to around 4,28 which is a long intro for a song. It's a nice difference from the darkness of the most songs. This was the first CD on to the second one.

The first song on the second CD begins with a flute and drums, sometimes they say "Hey". Its a very happy song that let you think of the Folk music. "Remember Me As King" is a song that starts not so rough as the others, more melodic. I like that the music has 2 stages from begin to middle and middle to the end, it's like 2-3 seperate songs. "Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder" is the longest song on this whole album, 17,16 minutes long. It starts very dark and fast paced, the riffs are well balanced. The vocals are a bit screamy to make it more dark. This long song doesn't change from music like some other songs do. It's a song that keeps your attention. The last song of this 2 CD album is "The Cold Lips Of Isabelle (Conclusio Lugubris)" which starts with piano music and ends off with a sound like clapping. Good ending song for this 2CD album.

If you like epic, pagan black, viking and folk metal, this would be a CD for you, you never get bored on this album." 

(Nathasja Voerman / DutchMetalManiac)