1 - Greetings Sacerdos Magus! How you decide that your Black Metal path will be a lonely path?....
Greetings Azael! First of all let me thank to you and to Metal Azteca for this opportunity of express some ideas, since the things here in Portugal are a little low...The decision of be a solo composer and musician was simple and made a long time ago, on account of the devoid of decent people to play with...I use to play bass in a Black Metal band called Firstborn Evil, but the ambient was shity and I didn’t had permission to make a song or to participate in the composition of the themes. All because of the sullen vocalist that thought that the band was himself, so, I left these band and made my own project with my own ideas. First, with a initial formation, but this didn’t work as well, so I decided to move along alone with some participations of musicians of long time and begin with Antiquus Scriptum as a One Man Band, without playing live.....
2 - When someone listen to a One Man Band we expect to find simple things, very interesting most of the time, but simple, with Antiquus Scriptum why not this happen? The firs time I heard your music I thought “oh, this is sure a 6 members band, at least” How can Sacerdos Magus makes this music so complete, so colorful, so alive?....
Well, thank you for your oppinion! But wait, not all the instruments are mine. I do 90% of the work, or better: the composition, the lyrics, the vocals, electric and acoustic guitars and the basslines. The keyboard work is from a friend who’s been participating sinse the very first demo - Gustavo Vieira and the lead guitar is from his brother Paulo Vieira, that’s behind all the recordings and productions as well; and let tell you that without this two guys, Antiquus Scriptum was not the same stuff!!! “One Man” doesn’t has the obligatoriness of be synonymous of simple; Somethimes the better bands are with one or two members!....
3 - The lyrics… we presume you sing of aggression, battles, religion ... what do you want to convey with Antiquus Scriptum lyrics?....
I try to write songs and specially lyrics the most as possible “different” of the other Black Metal bands. Some of the lyrics are about ancient history, others yes, are about religion, aggression, hate, depression, solitude or even love. The matter you use can even be now commonplace, but the way that you make it and specially the words and feeling that you deposit in the lyric are the most important! I have a song in the Abi In Malam Pestem album that no one, or many few Black Metal bands dare to make; it’s called Of Dying Seasons (The Cursed Ones) and talks about the global warming and all the climatic changes that we can feel nowadays. A Black Metal band doesn’t have to be only “Hail Satan” and nothing more... Don’t you think?!....
4 - Antiquus Scriptum born on 1998, 11 years away, what feeling has changed in Antiquus Scriptum?....
Yes, Antiquus Scriptum exists since 1998, but I’m into this fields since 1992, with minor bands. Musically the only thing that I’m trying to change is the drum speed, that in the beginning was a diabolical very fast velocity and currently is most a traditional Thrash Metal speed (I’m talking about drum velocity). All the rest’s in the same: The context’s the same, the ideals and the objectives are equal. I don’t like bands that in the first and second work play this and in the third play that; I enjoy linear bands that evolve but, doesn’t change the initial feeling that did in the beginning... Just my oppinion.
5 - The instruments that you play on your project, which is the one you enjoy most?....
That’s a very hard question!... I have a special affection for the bass, because was my first instrument, but I enjoy all of them. The one that give me more pleasure to record’s the voice, maybe because it comes from inside.....
6 - Lately we have been concentrated in the Portuguese black metal bands, do you believe there is a rebound in BM scene in your country? ....
The Black Metal scene here’s not famous at all, but yes, there are six or seven good bands that I must to refer: Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Decayed, Corpus Christii, Flagellum Dei, Irae and of course Moonsplell - I don’t like their music, but they’re problably the portuguese “Dark Metal” ambassadors in the world.....
7 - Did you live shows in the past, or very private your music are ?....
We made a single gig in 1999 with the first formation but yes, I think that Antiquus Scriptum’s something to keep in privacy. I like much the way of projects as Bathory, Burzum and Darkthrone and I want to keep it like this. I don’t have any plans to a live presentation.....
8 - Vampiria, Carlos Poio, Gustavo, Paulo and Ricardo Vieira… tell us about them?....
Well, these are my noble guests in studio. “Vampiria” is Cláudia Ferreira, she has a Gothic / Doom band called WinterMoon and I invite her to make the female vocals in some tracks. Carlos Poio is a guy who has participated in the chorus of Abi In Malam Pestem album and Gustavo and Paulo Vieira are the brothers that I already talk about. This two guys are not commun guests, they are very special members that make possible all the things that I have in mind. They’re my right arm in Antiquus Scriptum and I hope that they always participate with the project! Ricardo Vieira is their younger brother that made the percussion work of the theme Ad Primam Auroram. He’s a very nice fellow as well, always ready to help.
9 - Of three CDs re-published so far, Abi In Malam Pestem, In Pulverem Reverteris and Immortalis Factus, which of them has been your favorite and why?....
Are three demos yes, but only two albuns sinse Abi In Malam Pestem and In Pulverem Reverteris came in the same CD. I like all the works of course, but I think that the last one, Immortalis Factus, is the one more well done and produced. Is the work that shows a great musical evolution as a Black Metal band and the sound’s very good! But In Pulverem Reverteris and Abi In Malam Pestem are the first demos and I will never forget it! Were made in a home-studio, so, the result’s not exelent, but have very nice songs and an initial unmatched feeling.
10 - We know that you collaborate on Death, Grind, Thrash and (this essentially) Black Metal projects, which of these metal styles you identify most and why?....
With Balck Metal of course!!! My passage by Death, Thrash Metal and Grindcore bands was the normal path of a guy who wants to play in a Metal band, but the Black Metal’s my favorite Metal gender a long time ago! In it I can conjugate the musical and lyrical influences that I enjoy most, that are ancient history and all the antiquity in general... That’s why.....
11 - Conclamatum Est, tell us about this new album, what can we expect?....
Well, Coclamatum Est is a normal evolution of Immortalis Factus. As I told has the drum speed difference, but the thematics are the same: Ancient history, misantrophy, solitude, love, hate, etc. But let’s see until we record it to talk more about it. It will have as well a couple of covers in the end that are tributes to my personal Metal school.....
12 - To catalogue your music as Black Metal would be very limiting ... I find Symphonic, Epic, Vikings, Progressive, Rituals, and even Folk moments! What kind of music you made?....
You find it and you will continue to find in the future! I think Antiquus Scriptum’s essentially Black Metal yes, for example the lead vocals, are vocals of the old 80’s Thrash Metal, right?! But the music’s substantially Black Old Metal. I think that to make good Black Metal we must not use only grim vocals, play raw guitars and talk about Satan all the time. I have read some reviews to the project saying that the music’s very good, but the vocals stink, what can I do... At least I can make a very fresh and unexploited kind of Black Metal, don’t you think?! I have nothing against the traditional Black Metal bands, on the contrary, I appreciatite it most, but I want to make Black Metal in my own way! ....
13 - What Jesus Crist means for Sacerdos Magus?....
Jesus Christ’s to me just another mortal that was crucified by the romans as all the other mortals of that era. He’s the responsable as well for all the global blindness that we’re into and the carnage that was, for example, the medieval inquisition!!! My goddess, if you want to know, is our Mother Earth - Queen Of All Existence.
14 - Commonly no one answer the question “your music influences are…?” but this time, please, please, you must to tell us! Your music are so rich, that’s because we are very impatient to know your influences… tell us....
Thanks so much for your words! For a beginning I enjoy all the Metal Genders, that’s something not very commun each day, and all the various ethnic and folkloric music around the world. My influences are all that fits in determinate theme; you must use your imagination and let the feeling talk loud! The project’s Black Metal, right?! But each song has a conegial mather to board, we must to explore the music to the maximum to get the best result. There’s a thing called “Open Mind”...
15 - Do you know mexican extreme bands, Black Metal bands maybe?....
Yes, I know the mighty Brujeria, of course, Angel Nocturno, Funeral, In Heaven’s Desease, but my favorite mexican band’s a Viking Metal band called Ulveheim. They have only an EP yet, but seems to be a great promising project to the forthcoming times.
16 - Anything else?....
I want to thank you Azael one more time for this great opportunity! I wish to you and to Metal Azteca / Horned Cast the best luck of this world and that in the future we can talk of the next Antiquus Scriptum’s album Conclamatum Est. Great interview indeed!!! Thanx so much and farewell!!!....
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