Greetings from the Kingdom Of Superstition! I leave thee with a theme that was originally written in 1996 and we've now revisited for the new album of Antiquus Scriptum, "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...". My many thanks to Paulo Vieira (Nyx Sludgedweller) for his patience and to Gustavo Vieira (Helskir) & Ricardo Vieira (R.V.) for the precious help! I Hope that tou enjoy... Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Antiquus Scriptum - ... Recôndito É O Nocturno Covil Do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra Em IV Capítulos)
Was released by Runenstein Records (Ger) a compilation of all the intros, interludes & outros that Antiquus Scriptum has in its discography. Is divided in 4 chapters, being each one of them about a different guest musician that collaborated with the project through the years. It's a Ambiental / Folk CD and it's available for 10 Euros (Shipping costs worldwide included!!). Contact: (Sacerdos Magus) Thanx to the interested ones in advance! Here's the chapter & track lists:
1-7: Capítulo I - Oppulentia Et Dolor
8-11: Capítulo II - Magnificentia Et Splendor
12-17: Capítulo III - Odium In Homines Et Iniquissima Fortuna
18-20: Capítulo IV - Humilitas Et Doctrina
I - Fleurs Du Mal - Initium 01:23
II - Principium: Cosmogony - The Creation 03:30
III - Tempus Præteritus 02:52
IV - The Eldest Son: Interludium I 01:31
V - Anmchara - Uma Alma Amiga: Interludium III 02:06
VI - A Void Prespective (Sonata Mediana In D Minor) 01:49
VII - Invisible Tears (Medius # III) 02:46
VIII - Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder (Excertos I) 00:50
IX - Noah (Excertos II) 02:04
X - Odi At Amo, Excrucior... (Excertos III) 01:27
XI - Honoris Causa (Medius # I) 01:23
XII - Intermissio I: Le Vaguer Du Fantôme 02:20
XIII - Intervallum II: Crepusculum 01:05
XIV - Remissio III: My Throne Burn To Ashes 01:29
XV - A Nightside Of Eden - Finalis 04:49
XVI - Ad Primam Auroram 03:19
XVII - Amor Platónico 03:25
XVIII - A Moçoila De Al-Mahadan: Interludium II 03:33
XIX - Ode To Helskir (Medius # II) 04:11
XX - Solstício D'Inverno / Exitus 03:34
XXI - (Hidden Track) 03:07
Friday, January 18, 2013
Antiquus Scriptum - Noah (Subtitled)
Promo track of the Album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", with release scheduled for early 2013 by Pesttanz Klangschmiede. Sacerdos Magus - All instruments & vocals. Lead guitar by Nyx Sludgedweller. Keyboards by Helskir, R. V. & Sacerdos Magus. Harpsichord part in the end by Odium.
Antiquus Scriptum - Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder (Subtitled)
Promo track of the Album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", with released scheduled for early 2013 by Pesttanz Klangschmiede. Sacerdos Magus - All instruments & vocals. Lead guitar by Nyx Sludgedweller. Keyboards by Helskir, R. V. & Sacerdos Magus. Orchestral part in the middle by Odium.
Antiquus Scriptum - Odi At Amo, Excrucior... (Legendado)
Promo track of the Album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", with release scheduled for early 2013 by Pesttanz Klangschmiede. Sacerdos Magus - All instruments & vocals. Lead guitar by Nyx Sludgedweller. Keyboards by R. V. & Sacerdos Magus. Piano part at the end by Odium.
Antiquus Scriptum - Solstício D'Inverno / Exitus (Album Version)
Promo track of the Album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", with release scheduled for early 2013 by Pesttanz Klangschmiede. Concept by Sacerdos Magus. Music by Zeto Feijão.
Antiquus Scriptum - Quando Eu Morrer (Tributo Aos Xutos & Pontapés)
Tributo de Antiquus Scriptum aos Xutos & Pontapés, retirado do álbum "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", com edição marcada pela Pesttanz Klangschmiede para o início de 2013. Sacerdos Magus - Instrumentos & vozes. Guitarra solo - Nyx Sludgedweller. Bateria & teclado - R. V. Todos os direitos reservados à banda de Rock portuguesa Xutos & Pontapés.
Antiquus Scriptum - Era De Noite E Levaram (Tributo a José Afonso)
Tributo de Antiquus Scriptum a José Afonso, retirado do álbum "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", com edição marcada pela Pesttanz Klangschmiede para o início de 2013. Sacerdos Magus - Instrumentos & vozes. Guitarra solo - Nyx Sludgedweller. Teclado - Helskir. Todos os direitos reservados ao falecido artista português José Afonso.
Antiquus Scriptum - F. M. I. (Tributo a Ratos De Porão)
Tributo de Antiquus Scriptum aos Ratos De Porão, retirado do álbum "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...", com edição marcada pela Pesttanz Klangschmiede para o início de 2013. Sacerdos Magus - Instrumentos & voz. Coros - Sacerdos Magus, Helskir & Nyx Sludgedweller. Todos os direitos reservados à banda brasileira Ratos De Porão.
Antiquus Scriptum - Ode To Helskir (Medius # II) (1st Version)
Promo track for the compilation "... Recôndito É O Nocturno Covil Do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra Em IV Capítulos)" 2012. Music by Sacerdos Magus, arrangements by Melkor. Zeto Feijão - Violin, Banjo, Traditional Tin Whistle & Uilleann Pipe. (Interlude Theme!)
Antiquus Scriptum - Solstício D'Inverno / Exitus (1st Version)
Promo track for the compilation "... Recôndito É O Nocturno Covil Do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra Em IV Capítulos)" 2012. Concept by Sacerdos Magus. Music by Zeto Feijão (Outro Theme!)
Antiquus Scriptum - Invisible Tears (Medius # III)
Promo track for the album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis..." 2013. Concept by Sacerdos Magus. Music by Helskir. (Interlude Theme!)
Antiquus Scriptum - Honoris Causa (Medius # I)
Promo track of the album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis..." 2013. Concept by Sacerdos Magus. Music by Odium. (Interlude Theme!)
Antiquus Scriptum - A Void Prespective (Sonata Mediana In D Minor)
Promo track for the album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis..." 2013. Concept by Sacerdos Magus. Music by Helskir. (Interlude Theme!)
Antiquus Scriptum - Eu, O Misantropo... (Legendado)
Promo track of the album "Conclamatum Est" 2010. Music by Sacerdos Magus. Keyboards by Sacerdos Magus & Helskir. Orchestration in the anthem by R. V.
Conclamatum Est,
Antiquus Scriptum - Inner Depression (Syndromes Of Fear) (Subtitled)
Promo track of the album "Immortalis Factus" 2008. Music by Sacerdos Magus. Keyboards by Helskir, Nyx Sludgedweller & Sacerdos Magus. Lead solo by Nyx Sludgedweller.
Immortalis Factus,
Antiquus Scriptum - O Adamastor (Legendado)
Promo track of the album "Immortalis Factus" 2008. The lyrics are from the medieval portuguese poet Luís Váz de Camões (1524 / 1580) in "Os Lusíadas" (1571). The music is from Sacerdos Magus 2003. Sacerdos Magus - Bass, Vocals, Guitars & Drums. Helskir - Keyboards.
Immortalis Factus,
Antiquus Scriptum - In Pulverem Reverteris (Subtitled)
Promo track of the "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo 2000. Appears as well in the first album "Abi In Malam Pestem" 2002. This music however, was composed in 1998 by Sacerdos Magus & Asmodeus. Music by Sacerdos Magus. Keys by Helskir.
Antiquus Scriptum - Bula Ad Extirpenda (Innocentio IVth, MCCLII - The Saint Office Of Inquisition Of Faith)
Promo track of the demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" 2000. Appears as well in the album "Abi In Malam Pestem" 2002. Music by Sacerdos Magus. Keyboards by Helskir.
Antiquus Scriptum - Den Nordiske Sjel Lever I Meg
Promo track of the album "Conclamatum Est" 2010. (Instrumental Theme!). Sacerdos Magus - Bass, Vocals, Drums, Guitars & Accoustics. Helskir - Keyboards. Nyx Sludgedweller - Accoustics & Lead Guitar.
Conclamatum Est,
Antiquus Scriptum - Guardiões Do Graal (Ou Lapsit Exilis)
Promo track of the album "Abi In Malam Pestem" 2002. Music by Sacerdos Magus, keyboards by Helskir.
Abi In Malam Pestem,
Antiquus Scriptum - Kafir
Promo track of the album "Immortalis Factus" 2008. However, this song was written by Sacerdos Magus in 2003. Music by Sacerdos Magus. Keys by Helskir. Lead Guitar by Nyx Sludgedweller.
Immortalis Factus,
Review da Akkeldama Zine do Brasil ao álbum "Abi In Malam Pestem"
"Essa foi para mim uma grata surpresa vinda das terras de Camões e Fernando Pessoa. O Antiquus Scriptum já possui seu nome cravado na cena, com vários lançamentos predecessores a este. Isso é um Black Metal bastante original, com incursões de coros, flautas, passagens atmosféricas e melódicas, cheias de grandes variações. Ainda podemos ouvir a essência maléfica do estilo em passagens mais "raw", que abrem espaço para incursões sinfônicas, pegando o ouvinte de surpresa. Os temas líricos são outro atrativo à parte. As músicas variam bastante entre si, com títulos bastante interessantes, em latim, francês, inglês e português. Há algumas passagens com bateria eletrônica que deixam o trabalho muito sombrio, dando ares de Avantgarde BM à sua música original! Realmente é uma obra prima do Metal lusitano. Eles merecem figurar ao lado de grandes bandas de lá como Decayed, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Celtic Dance, Firstborn Evil, etc. Altamente recomendável!!!!" (Tiago Siqueira in Akkeldama Zine # 1)
Review of Akkeldama Zine from Brazil for "Abi In Malam Pestem" (English Version)
"This was a pleasant surprise for me coming from the land of Camões and Fernando Pessoa. Antiquus Scriptum already has their name carved on the scene, with several releases predecessor to this one. This is a very original Black Metal with forays choirs, flutes, atmospheric and melodic passages, full of great variations. We can still hear the evil essence of the style in passages more "raw", that open space for incursions of symphony, taking the listener by surprise. The lyrical themes are another attraction apart. The songs vary greatly among themselves, with very interesting titles, in Latin, French, English and Portuguese. There are some passages with electronic drums that make the job very dark, giving an air of Avantgarde BM to the original music! It really is a masterpiece of Lusitanian Metal. They deserve to appear alongside with great Lusitanian bands as Decayed, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Celtic Dance, Firstborn Evil, etc... Highly recommended!!" (Tiago Siqueira in Akkeldama Zine # 1)
Review do Raven Eyes Like Mirrors ao álbum "Conclamatum Est" para a Encyclopaedia Metallum (Versão Portuguesa)
"Granda merda! Porque é que isto não é um CD profissional?!!? O que o Sacerdos Magus criou no seu projeto Antiquus Scriptum é algo muito, muito original. O seu extenso historial no underground da música extrema destilou-se bem nisto, o seu projeto de black metal experimental. É melhor estarem preparados quando ouvirem a sua música e deixem de lado os preconceitos que estão habituados, pois este projeto tem um artwork muito decorado e todo amaricado e uma foto de banda com a cara laroca. Flores, unicórnios, cavaleiros e castelos que revestem os seus álbuns e a sua antiga página do MySpace, que escondem inteligentemente um cruel black metal pagão que é primado não só com a última vaga cultivada da sonoridade dos meados dos anos 90, mas com um som juvenil de abanar a carola que estaríamos mais habituados a encontrar num disco punk dos anos 80. Os riffs de Antiquus Scriptum são de tal meneira cativantes e muito headbanging e gloriosos. Bandas como os tão amados Midnight não são os únicos capazes de fazer este tipo de som retro, que para ser honesto com a perfeição dos deuses. No caso de Antiquus Scriptum, o longo envolvimento do Magus nas velhas bandas de grindcore e punk aguçou as suas composições até ao êxtase jovial! Uma mistura de estética tradicional com a sonoridade europeia do black metal dos anos 90, o que resulta em tão boa música. Então são-lhe adicionadas ambiências góticas / pagãs, um pouco de instrumentos folk e canções épicas enormes... De repente temos algo completamente nunca ouvido e totalmente único!
Isto é o que define Antiquus Scriptum, este álbum em particular mantem esse caráter individual. Mas especificamente neste caso, um álbum conceptual de temática sobre a história de Portugal, Magus foca-se numa faceta mais black metal dos anos 90, no entanto a jovialidade ainda marca presença com um efeito matador como demonstra o tema "Den Nordiske Sjell Lever I Meg", bem como na forma que o Magus troca os guinchos black metal por latidos punk. Cada canção, incluindo as longas, têm composições rigorosas e sem falhas que transportam o ânimo geral do álbum ainda permanecendo ricamente coloridas em seus próprios vaipes. Magus ainda tece nos teclados e guitarras acústicas liberadamente no estilo próprio dos meados de 90 e por aí a fora... E mais, há visitas de tin whistles e uilleann pipes também! Uau...
Agora, eu sou do tipo que prefere black metal com ambiência de elementos sinfônicos ou folk e ter essas coisas chegando a mim por uma banda que tem um som tão retro e convincente faz-me apetecer gritar "FODA-SE, ISTO É METAL!", porque é delicioso e imensamente satisfatório! Meu deus, dou comigo frequentemente a ouvir este álbum. Ouvi-lo várias vezes não me incomoda minimamente e nunca tenho a sensação de "sim, isto é... Eh, mais ou menos" ou "se eles pudessem ter mais um pouco de originalidade..." e assim que ponho uma canção, mesmo que a tenha ouvido uma data de vezes antes, sinto-me obrigado a ouvi-la mais e mais e mais, no entanto. Este CD definitivamente está a cima de tudo o resto e me leva a querer descobrir e a querer comprar uma t-shirt de Antiquus Scriptum e andar com olho de águia a ver quem tem para vender qualquer um dos seus álbuns, irritantemente incomuns e mal impressos.
A minha única queixa que afasta este álbum de um 100% é a impressão. As cópias originais vêm num CD-R de SLIMLINE jewel case! Não uma pequena e fina caixa de singles com uma foldout j-card, mas uma slimline normal. As mesmas caixas merdosas que os CD-Rs habituais das lojas vêm. Vá lá... Sinceramente, com uma música tão bem feita (e mais 1000 razões diferentes), como deixas-te isto sair assim, Magus? Não posso acreditar que não consigas arranjar uma editora que imprima este bebé em algo mais permanente, que a porcaria de uma tape gravada à mão ou um CD-R. A música de Antiquus Scriptum vale muito mais que isso, a não ser que as pessoas sejam assim tão estúpidas a avaliar a música metal hoje em dia. Midnight não deveria ter todo o monopólio e créditos no estilo retro só por enegrecer velhos álbuns de thrash e death metal. Porque não punk dos anos 80? Ou Fimbulwinter? E black metal dos meados de 90 todos laminados num só? Ponham os olhos nesta banda pessoal e Magus, vê se arranjas uma edição profissional e vê se continuas a escrever mais um monte de canções!" 98% / 100 (Raven Eyes Like Mirrors / Encyclopaedia Metallum)
Conclamatum Est,
Review of Raven Eyes Like Mirrors about the album "Conclamatum Est" for Encyclopaedia Metallum
"Holy shit! Why is this not on a professional CD!??! What Sacerdos Magus has created in his Antiquus Scriptum project is something very very original. His extensive history in underground extreme music of many styles has distilled well into this, his rather experimental black metal project. Best be prepared when approaching this music to leave behind preconceptions of what you are expecting from a project with such ornately adorned artwork and a gay-looking, cute-faced band photo. Flowers, unicorns, knights, and castles that plaster his albums and his old Myspace page mask intelligently wicked pagan black metal that is primed not only with a finely cultivated mid 90’s sound, but a head-smashing juvenile sound that one would be more accustomed to find on an 80’s punk record! Antiquus Scriptum’s riffs are so damn catchy and so damn headbanging and glorious. Bands like the ever loved Midnight are not the only ones capable of doing this retro sound with honest to goodness perfection! And in Antiquus Scriptum’s case, Magus' longtime involvement in old Portuguese grindcore and punk bands have honed in his compositions into rollicking bliss! Mix that traditional aesthetic in with the 90’s European black metal sound and you get damn good music. But then add additional gothic/pagan ambiance, a few folk instruments, and epic length songs…. suddenly you have something outright unheard of and wholly unique!
This is what defines Antiquus Scriptum. This album in particular maintains that individual character. But specifically in this case, a concept album about Portuguese historical themes, Magus focuses in on the mid 90’s black metal facet, though the rollicking still makes its presence known with killer effect such as in the song “Den Nordiske…” as well as in how Magus throws out black metal screeches for punk vocal barking. Each song, including the long ones, has tight and flawless compositions that carry the general mood of the album yet remain richly colored in their own spans. Magus also weaves in the keyboards and acoustic guitars liberally in the proper mid 90’s style and moreso. Plus, there are visits from tin whistles and uilleann pipes as well! Wow….
Now, I am the type who prefers black metal with ambiance from symphonic or folk elements. And to have these things delivered to me with a band that has such a retro and convincing sound that I can yell “FUCK YEAH METAL!” to is delightful and immensely satisfying! God, I find myself regularly returning to this album. Multiple listens do not bother me in the least and never do I get the sensation “yeah this is eh pleasant” or “if they could just have a little more originality.” And once I get a song started, even though I have heard it a lot before, I am still compelled to listen to it all the way through. This CD definitely rises above the rest and it has lead me to uncover and purchase an Antiquus Scriptum shirt and now watch eagle eye for anyone selling any more of his infuriatingly uncommon and poorly pressed albums.
My only complaint that avoids this CD from a straight 100% is the pressing. Original copies came as a CD-R in an actual SLIMLINE jewel case! Not a thin little singles case with a foldout j-card, but an actual slimline. The same shitty things that your CD-Rs from the department store come in. Come on… seriously with as much music as well made as you have put out Magus (and in a thousand different additions), I find it impossible to believe you can’t get a little label to press that baby onto something more permanent than a crappy dubbed tape or a CD-R. Antiquus Scriptum’s music is worth a hell of a lot more than that. Unless people are too stupid to see creative and original metal music these days. Midnight shouldn't have a monopoly on all this retro cred just for blackening old thrash and death albums. Why not old 80’s punk? Or Fimbulwinter? And mid-90’s black metal all rolled into one? Get behind this band people, and Magus, get some professional pressings done and get to writing more fucking songs!" 98% / 100 (Raven Eyes Like Mirrors / Encyclopaedia Metallum)
Conclamatum Est,
Review do álbum "Conclamatum Est" por Paulo Figueiredo para o Event Horizon
"Confesso que foi sem querer que tropecei neste álbum dos Antiquus Scriptum, sendo a sua existência, totalmente ignorada por mim, apercebendo-me mais tarde de que não estaria exactamente sozinho nesse desconhecimento. Afinal, os Antiquus Scriptum não são propriamente um projecto conhecido, provavelmente por falta de visibilidade, uma vez que este é já o 3º álbum de originais. «Conclamatus Est» não deixou por essa razão de me surpreender. Trata-se de uma one man band, onde Sacerdos Magus assume todas as despesas instrumentais, apesar da bateria ser programada e contar com a ajuda de vários músicos de sessão. Ainda mais admirável se torna assim este álbum, que propõe um black metal épico apoiado em Bathory, Celtic Frost e Emperor, não se esquivando a influências do folk metal patentes num tema como «Den Nordiske Sjel Lever I Meg». O resultado fica bastante agradável, apesar das músicas serem todas gigantescas, nunca se perde o sentido de canção propriamente dita. Apenas um pequeno senão para o início de «Eu. o Misantropo», que ficou totalmente parvo e fora de contexto. Ficou a faltar apenas uma produção melhor (grande perca, audível nas partes acústicas), para conferir a este material uma dimensão ainda maior. Notável porém o óptimo trabalho desenvolvido." 8/10 (Paulo Figueiredo - Event Horizon)
Conclamatum Est,
Review of "Conclamatum Est" by Paulo Figueiredo for Event Horison (English Version)
"I confess that it was accidental that I stumbled upon this album Antiquus Scriptum, and its existence, completely ignored by me, noticing me later that it would not exactly alone in this ignorance. After all, Antiquus Scriptum are not exactly a project known probably because of poor visibility, since this is already the 3rd album of originals. "Conclamatum Est" did not therefore surprising me. This is a one man band, where Sacerdos Magus assumes all costs instrumental, although battery is programmed to count on the help of various session musicians. Even more amazing it becomes so this album, which proposes an epic black metal supported by Bathory, Celtic Frost, Emperor, not shirking the influences of folk metal patent on a theme as "Den Nordisk Sjel Lever I Meg". The result is quite nice, although the songs were all huge, never loses its sense of song itself. Just a little but for the beginning of "Eu, O Misantropo..." that was silly and totally out of context. It was just missing a better production (great loss, audible noise in parts) to give this material an even greater dimension. Noted however the great work." (Paulo Figueiredo - Event Horizon Blogspot) - 8 / 10.
Conclamatum Est,
Review of "Immortalis Factus" by Pagan Dreams
"Antiquus Scriptum is a great band of the finest Portuguese black metal with many pagan and symphonic touches. Right now it is hard to get me a comparison with another band, so I guess that says enough of them. The publication at hand is this demo LP called "Immortalis Factus" a piece of editing nothing more and nothing less than an hour and ten minutes long, without a doubt a very ambitious edition. Well, as happens in these cases, the band is guilty of sins of pride and no false humility. Impressive record, with a measured sound, care to detail, it sounds very well considering that they produced themselves, with some tunes that range from the furious attacks of black metal to beautiful instrumental passages with ancestral voices, music at times reminds you Kaatharsys. Sing halfway between English and Portuguese, and guttural voices. The first highlight a striking good 16-minute track called "Procemiun / A Viking Belief", full of atmosphere and musicality. Also especially noteworthy is the ninth cut "I.N.R.I. - Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaedorum" with a pleasant aftertaste of the old school black metal, scratching (or almost scratch) in the thrash metal. And the instrumental interludes are a great delicacy..." (Pagan Dreams Blogspot)
Immortalis Factus,
Review da Music Of Shadows Webzine para o álbum "Immortalis Factus" (Versão Portuguesa)
"Saudações meus amigos, hoje trago-vos um álbum um pouco antigo para voçês. É um trabalho de 2009 chamado "Immortalis Factus" dos Antiquus Scriptum de Portugal. Olhem para a capa do disco e digam-me o que isso vos desperta... Eu pessoalmente não senti nada de especial até ouvir este álbum e posso-vos dizer que a capa ganhou vida! O poder e a energia deste trabalho é grandioso e tem uma atmosfera brilhante e muito familiar, mas ao mesmo tempo muito fresca. Para ser honesto, acho os temas um pouco longos mas quando pensava que iriam acabar menos bem eles tranformam-se em algo muito bom e interessante, como por exemplo passagens de Black Metal clássico seguidas por belas partes acústicas e vozes femininas. Então temos algumas partes de riffs influênciados no Grindcore misturado com bons teclados e samples que criam uma atmosfera muito especial! Não há muito mais a acrescentar, é um álbum muito bom e fresco à boa maneira antiga. Portanto, não esperem algo nunca ouvido mas melhor, algo muito interessante e de coração cheio!" (Robert Of Shadows - Music Of Shadows Webzine)
Immortalis Factus,
Review of Music Of Shadows Webzine for the album "Immortalis Factus"
"Hails my friends, today I have a little older release for You. It's released 2009 and called "Immortalis Factus" by "Antiquus Scriptum" from Portugal. Look at the album cover and tell me what it wakes in you... I personally haven't felt anything special but then I've listened to this album and I can tell You that the cover was brought to live! The power and energy of this release are great It has a very familiar, bright atmosphere but it's also pretty fresh. To be honest, at some parts the songs get a bit boring but just when I thought that it will end badly they've added something very cool and interesting for example there are classic black metal passages followed by beautiful acoustics and female vocals, than we have some grindcoreish riffs mixed with that mixed with nice synths and samplers create an very special atmosphere! There's not to much to add to it, it's a very nice and fresh release that's walking on the old paths. So, don't expect something unheard but rather something interesting and heartfull!" (Robert Of Shadows - Music Of Shadows Webzine)
Immortalis Factus,
Review da revista Loud para o trabalho "Immortalis Factus"
"Os Antiquus Scriptum começaram por ser banda em 1998 quando Iblis (Sacerdos Magus) saiu dos Firstborn Evil, mas cedo se viria a transformar em projecto, mantido pelo baixista, que aqui também assegura guitarras, programações e voz. "Immortalis Factus" é o quarto trabalho, já a terceira maqueta, a reeditar em LP no início de 2009. São 68 minutos de Black Metal tingido de uma série de outras correntes, desde o Thrash, o Death Metal, ao Viking / Folk. Por entre as onze faixas encontramos participações dos mesmos companheiros que colaboraram em anteriores registos do projecto, nomeadamente Paulo Vieira e Gustavo Vieira, ambos ex-The Firstborn (acrescidos aqui de Bruno Fernandes) e Cláudia Ferreira dos WinterMoon. Liricamente, é um trabalho que começa por recolher inspiração junto da mitologia nórdica com "Procemium / A Viking Belief", passando pela história de Portugal, como reflecte "A Batalha De Al-Ashbouna (Ou Lixbona MCXLVII)". A par de temas longos, encontramos interlúdios instrumentais de sonoridades arcaicas, onde a viola acústica, o violino e a percussão geram o efeito místico possível, aliados à bateria programada. A vocalização de Sacerdos Magus é mais "maléfica" que extrema, fazendo com que este material nos lembre, por vezes, o mesmo quadro estilístico de uns Filii Nigrantium Infernalium. "O Adamastor", nesse sentido, é dos melhores exemplos. A maior parcela deste trabalho é cantada em português, mas várias são as peças em inglês, com destaque para os dez minutos de "Thy Visionary". "Immortalis Factus" demostra uma forte evolução desde o interregno de vários anos a que Antiquus Scriptum foi sujeito e sublinha o talento criativo e interpretativo do seu ideólogo." 7.3 (Nuno Santos - Loud Magazine)
Immortalis Factus,
Review of "Immortalis Factus" by Loud Magazine (English Version)
"The Antiquus Scriptum started as the band in 1998 when Iblis left Firstborn Evil, but it soon would turn into the project, maintained by the bassist, who here also ensures guitars, programming and voice. "Immortalis Factus" is the fourth work since the third model, the reissue LP in early 2009. They are 68 minutes of Black Metal dyed a number of other chains, from Thrash, Death Metal, the Viking / Folk. Among the eleven tracks find equity partners of the same who collaborated on previous records of the project, including Paulo Vieira and Gustavo Vieira, both ex-The Firstborn (augmented here by Bruno Fernandes) and Cláudia Ferreira of Wintermoon. Lyrically, it's a work that starts by gathering inspiration from Norse mythology with "Procemium / A Viking Belief", through the history of Portugal, as reflected in "The Battle Of Al-Ashbouna (Or Lixbona MCXLVII)". A couple of long themes, instrumental interludes of found archaic sounds, where the acoustic guitar, violin and percussion can generate the mystical effect, combined with programmed drums. Vocalization of Sacerdos Magus is more "evil" that extreme, making this material reminds us, sometimes the same picture of some stylistic Filii Nigrantium Infernalium. "O Adamastor" in this sense is the best example. The largest portion of this work is sung in Portuguese, but there are several pieces in English, highlighting the ten minutes of "Thy Visionary"."Immortalis Factus" demonstrates a strong trend since the interregnum several years that was Antiquus Scriptum was subject and highlights the creative talent and interpretation of their ideologue." 7.3 (Nuno Santos - Loud Magazine)
Immortalis Factus,
Mini-Review of "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo by Ralfman for Metal Addiction Freakshow
"Black Metal. As i said in early posts, this is not my favotite dish, although good music is always welcome. And this tape is with any doubt a good tape. 2 Tracks, one intro and outro.
The demo starts with an keybord instrumental intro, after comes "Bula Ad Extirpenda", the high point to this recording. After the intro ends, we are assaulted with an blasting start. This realy kicks ass... I must say that what pleases me the most is the vocals. We do not have those grim, raw type of vocals higly present in most Black Metal releases. Dunno really how to discribe it but, perhaps acute and sounding like an young kid screaming, surely sounds good to me. Also what this track has good is the chorus, very orchestral and environmental.
The title track, is also ok, full with blastbeats, speed and really ends fast.
The last track, an instrumental, based on clean guitars, ambient nature sounds and ending in tribal chants (Hum.. "Roots" anyone?...) . I guess its ok, to ease the ears after the energy discharge of the previous tracks.
Also, this got proper re-issue recently, both on cd and tape." Rate: 7. (Ralfman - Metal Addiction Freakshow).
Review of "Conclamatum Est" by Arcane for Pagan Roots
"The cover is a medieval painting and represents the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385 between Portugal and Spain, where the Lusitanian troops with 300 soldiers, won to the Iberian army with hundreds of men. "Conclamatum Est" is Latin for "Was Given Voice to Sadness".This album is divided in two parts or chapters, "Caput I - Tristitia, Absentia, Molestia" (Chapter I - Sadness, Absence, Suffering), that is from the track 1 to 9 - the part of the original themes and "Caput II - Tributum (Chapter II - Tribute)", track 10 to 16 - the part of the cover songs.
Conclusion: 3 / 5
Antiquus Scriptum has grown into a mature band from the Lusitanian underground and this is their best album yet. The music evolved into their own metal style with distinctive vocals and chanting. They play epic medieval metal with some folk elements and deal with historical events. The songs are long and diverse with strong compositions. There are a lot of synths, which is sometimes an overkill and sometimes even annoying, but most of the time they add a lot of bombastic elements and make the music so epic. There are also a few folk instruments on the album like tin whistle and Uilleann pipes. The drums, guitars and vocals are also much better than previous releases. The bonus songs are also good covers and a nice addition."Den Nordiske Sjel Lever I Meg" is an awesome viking metal song with catchy riffs, folky synths and acoustic guitar. "Remember Me as King" is another epic song with a lot going on.
I'm sure that Sacerdos Magus will release more epic albums in the future! Humble review written by Arcane (Pagan Roots Blogspot)".
Conclamatum Est,
Review da demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" por Carina Martins para a revista Riff Magazine (Versão Portuguesa)
"Esta é a primeira demo de apresentação dos Antiquus Scriptum, uma banda que se formou em 98, que após algumas mudanças de line-up, Sacerdos Magus (Ex-baixista de Firstborn Evil) e Helskir (actual membro de The Firstborn) se juntam e gravam em Maio de 2000 este épico tributo à idade das trevas e épocas passadas através de um brutal e odioso trabalho com 18 min.Esta demo-Tape encontra-se repartida em dois temas "Bula Ad Extirpenda (Innocentio IV, 1252, The Saint Office Of Inquisition Of Faith)" e "In Pulverem Reverteris" acompanhadas por uma intro "Fleurs Du Mal" e um outro "A Nightside Of Eden" onde as temáticas abordam factos históricos da idade da escuridão, o cristianismo, a calamidade e iniquidade. São temas muito rápidos, imponentes, com uma voz veemente e agressiva, conjugada com a sumptuosidade dos teclados e a devastadora bateria programada. Estes temas intercalam-se com coros tipo cantos gregorianos que remontam ao passado em questão. A sonoridade demonstra influências vindas do Black Metal nórdico de feição mais extrema. Destina-se a todos os amantes do mais cruel e derradeiro Black Metal deste reino Lusitano. Brutalidade Lusitana!" 9 (Carina Martins - Riff Magazine)
Review of "In Pulverem Reverteris" demo by Carina Martins For Riff Magazine
"This is the first demo for submitting Antiquus Scriptum, a band that was formed in 1998, after some changes in line-up, Sacerdos Magus (former bassist of the Firstborn Evil) and Helskir (now a member of The Firstborn) joined and recorded in May 2000 this epic tribute to the dark ages through a brutal and heinous work with 18 min.This demo-tape is divided into two topics: "Bula Ad Extirpenda (Innocentio IVth, MCCLII - The Saint Office Of Inquisition Of Faith)" and "In Pulverem Reverteris" accompanied by an Intro "Fleurs du Mal" and an Outro "A Nightside Of Eden "where the thematic approach of the historical facts of the dark ages, Christianity, calamity and injustice. Themes are very fast, impressive, with a voice strong and aggressive, combined with the sumptuousness of the keyboards and programmed devastating drums. These themes are interspersed with choruses type Gregorian chants dating back to the past in question. The sound shows influences from the nordic black metal but more extreme. It is intended for all lovers of the most cruel and ultimate Black Metal of this Lusitanian realm. Lusitanian brutality!" 9 (Carina Martins - Riff Magazine)
Mini-Review of "The Thrash Metal Guide" for the Celtic Frost cover "Dethroned Emperor"
"The single is only one song, made by just one man operating under the name Sacerdos Magus, and this is a question for the the thrash metal fans in their early teens: who is the band covered here? Quite a capable cover, if you ask me, with very well imitated Warrior-like vocals. Otherwise the music is a faithful rendition of this immortal hit with the guitar sound having the same low-tuned funereal quality." (The Thrash Metal Guide)
Conclamatum Est,
Review of "Conclamatum Est" by Black Metal Kaiser for Finsternis Blogspot
"Conclamatum Est was the last work of Sacerdos Magus, Antiquus Scriptum's mastermind, black metal with symphonic elements, folk, and especially thrash metal. One of the very important recording things is due not just to music if not also the development of the design of the cover art, music, lyrics, Antiquus Scriptum has shown us through the narrative historical passages, battles, as well as containing a design for the cover, a medieval painting where stands for the battle of Aljubarrota. Openness is a narrative as the beginning of an event that could mark the course of the story, honor and death is the only thing you might expect, the time is approaching this moment, disturbing hours is reflected through the faces of the soldiers, the Carthaginians on the one hand while twice as many men willing to fight the Romans was present; This type of events inside Conclamatum Est would be interpreted with sharp passing a background guitar riffs as in his previous work he exhibits first black metal with elements of folk, clean vocals and great exposure of the drums, while that storytelling serial a voice of Sacerdos Magus located at the top of a colima, narrating what their eyes seeing other words, one can feel the right time, the emphasis of the battle, the strength, value, fear, courage, turning perceptions due to music, as in black/ambient bands metal give the sensation of a cold atmosphere, the harshness, in this case Conclamatum Est in addition to the epic passages, each single part gives a different state because of the changes of rhythm without being independent of the narrative. You can feel the time, different sensations. While some appear later interludes performed by the acoustic characteristics as the Iberian guitar technique with a chorus by the clean vocals following the plot and form part of the structure, giving a slight feeling of sadness and suffering, at certain moments but at the same time a sense of relief, skill and determination. A landscape that is never repetitive, rich sounds that feed structure offering events exponentially, revealing and freeing sensations. The closure is the epilogue of history, characterized by being short but still leaving a very strong scent that at the beginning of this recording, and until the end it never of lost coherence and the fluidity of the music. Conclamatum Est furthermore divided in two part, the part of the story Caput I - Tristitia, Absentia, Molestia, discomfort and the part of the tribute Caput II – Tributum is to celtic frost, manowar, venom covers to classic in metal, this would be the extra not as part of the story but if part music, part of some influences." (Black Metal Kaiser - Finsternis Blogspot)
Conclamatum Est,
Review of "Immortalis Factus" by Black Metal Kaiser for Finsternis Blogspot
"Immortalis Factus is the second full-length of Sacerdos Magus's recording of a concept rather than historical and pagan offers a great release. The opening epic class whose focus is due to the epic atmosphere similar to the work he began to delve bathory at the viking metal scene, fast-changing sounds, light percussion in the structure, symphonic arrangements these would be the unique characteristics of Antiquus Scriptum would be part of their future releases. The details of this edition are focused on providing the various sanctions, harmony, rhythm, metric, sound fairly accurate where the clean vocals and chorus are the elements they refine the structure, for the warrior, the sword and armor. Whenever the narrative part of each structure and it must have an accompanying conditioned its development and have the same characteristics between narration and music, rhythm of black metal with elements of thrash metal and contain other elements such as giving symphonic music the essential power and epic, covering it with a strong sense of anger and courage. Instrumentation that characterizes interludes within the mystical essence gives the perspective to nature, letting the different tones catering to music, in these cases frequent use of vocals and acoustic guitar, a unique emblem Immortalis Factus. The keyboard work is essential, giving proportionately a kind of essence and life while the speed of the drums determines the ferocity and the uniqueness of providing voice, resulting in a sound honest and consistent with the rest of the music." (Black Metal Kaiser - Finsternis Blogspot)
Immortalis Factus,
Review of "Abi In Malam Pestem" by Black Metal Kaiser for Finsternis Blogspot
"Abi In Malam Pestem was the first full-length of this portuguese black metal band called Antiquus Scriptum (as well as containing an extra work, a demo titled In Pulverem Reverteris), the style at the beginning of this release is quite interesting a quick opening by riffs sharp guitar a sequential change of riffs that in certain moments is influenced rhythms of thrash and melodic as well as elements of folk and symphonic music parts although, it can be determined the time of change and technical employees, due to their harsh sounds that turn you notice an excellent effect between guitar riffs and rhythm of the drums. However, the very noticeable and common style is the element folk that many times it transforms in a solid form of accompaniment without having to be atmospheric. Without forgetting the voice which focuses many times in the style of thrash metal and later a clean voice appears in a space as a strait where the voice goes epic way a voice of battle while the rapid and intense speed of the structure transforms the environment spanning the strait, features such is heard very frequently in bands of viking metal and folk. i.e. the clean vocals can be considered epic narration that gives the event, while the sharp riffs are battlefield where everything happens. A transverse line could be the voice of thrash and the thick voice which is common within this recording this form of serious voice vocals or narration that extends to the battle as the background giving a result between the strength of the guitar change voices and the speed of the drums, a crude ambience epic and ephemeral. Other characteristics in this recording are the acoustic structure, an epic sound of a metric rhythm that basically technical arpeggio; This band is basically black metal but the element that stands out is the folk, where clean vocals are the forces that come to life and give a kind of very particular nature, also not to forget the Symphonic arrangements giving recording consistent strength and a series of stages that feed the rest of the structure, without having to be too long but not too short the Symphonic arrangement would be the landscape, since it gives precise changes and a linear form of the recording. Another thing that should be mentioned is the art, the cover art, Baroque art whose theme more than anything is death, plague and themes that suggest the events during the middle ages, this detail is very important since it is part of the music as the visual form that might be the sound, contemplating the images while tapping the recording an impression where epic and historical concept transforms into a story well told through the voice and the structure of black metal." (Black Metal Kaiser - Finsternis Blogspot)
"Conclamatum Est" Review by Lennard Kamischke for Valhalla Promotions
"I was very pleased when Sacerdos Magus sent me a request for a review of the lastest album "Conclamatum Est" of his Lusitanian musical project Antiquus Scriptum. Formed in 1998 by Sacerdos Magus, Asmodeus and Drakonem Drakul, Antiquus Scriptum hail from Almada, Portugal. Soon afterwards it became a one-man-project solely led by Sacerdos Magus. The band has released various compilations and three full-lenght albuns so far, with one of them is "Conclamatum Est". The band plays an unique style of old school Black Metal with epic orchestration, choirs and folk elements. "Conclamatum Est" (Latin: "It Was Shouted Aloud" or "It Is Done!" or "Was Gave Voice To Sadness") was recorded in 2010 with the assistance of several guest musicians. It was published illegally without Sacerdos Magus' permission by Satanica Productions and will be released oficially in February / March 2012 via the Austrian label Talheim Records.The album consists of two parts: "Caput I - Tristitia, Absentia, Molestia" (Chapter I - Sadness, Absence, Suffering), the main part of the album that includes long songs as well as interludes and "Caput II - Tributum" (Chapter II - Tribute), a section of cover songs of well-known bands and songs that Sacerdos Magus originally wrote for his previous bands. The first song on "Conclamatum Est" is a gripping prologue which starts with some cracking, soon followed by driving drums, rough electric guitars, symphonic keyboards and deep spoken words, swords and battle yells, telling the story of the Second Punic War in 218 BC, whereupon hundreds of Carthaginians commited mass suicide."A Hecatombe Of Slaves" - that is the name of the next track which carries on with the storyline of the intro. Hard riffs, blastbeats, orchestral samples and screams open this song. Shortly afterwards the shouted vocals set in which are a distictive characteristic of Antiquus Scriptum. The song gets slower at some parts and deep chanting comes up occasionally and an acoustic break the song turns harder again. Overall the feeling troughout the song is dark and epic. There is much variation in this song and thanks to its magnificent lenght of more than 11 minutes there is enough space for the sound to really take hold of the listener and this is only the second song! Prepare for more...The third song is a magestic interlude that features brass tunes, flutes and orchestral percussion. The beginning of the next song: "Remember Me As King", can be described as ultra magestic. Fanfares and a true Metal riff sounds as if it was written by Manowar, provide a highlight of this album, expecially when they are paired with symphonic keyboards. Soon after the typical Antiquus Scriptum's sound strats again with blastbeats, choirs, shouted vocals and Black Metal styled guitars , following a "Black Metal announcement" the bass turns louder and there is a very old school-styled sound without choirs and orchestras, but this wont last too long, later on there is also completely orchestral part in this song and it returns to the usual sound at some points, with some differences in it, such as spoken words. Again we have much variation in there, which is fantastic, with an epic lenght of more than 15 minutes, it is the longest song on the album. The fifth track is an acoustic atmospheric and medieval sounding interlude called "A Moçoila De Al-Mahadan" (The Maid From Al-Mahadan) , that includes instruments like flutes and bagpipes and is about a secret love between a girl from Almada and a Moorish soldier. The next song, "Den Nordiske Sjell Lever I Meg" (The Northern Spirit Lives In Me) starts with a prayer from "The 13th Warrior" ("Lo there do I see my father...") and sounds quite folky compared to the other songs on this album. It actually features some catchy flute, keyboards and guitar melodies. Apart from the quote at the beginning of this song is entirely instrumental. The seventh track "Eu, O Misantropo... (I, The Misanthrope...) starts with deep and distorted vocals alongside the melody of "Silent Night", but it turns out to be a symphonic Black Metal song shortly afterwards. At some points acoustic guitars are added to the fast drumming, the raw electric guitars and the reverberative shouts, which create an extremely overwhelming atmosphere - another highlight of the album if you ask me. At the end of this song the portuguese National Anthem is played. Sacerdos Magus wants to make clear that Antiquus Scriptum are not a political band in any way, but since we "support muisc - not politics" it is fine with us either way. The eighth track and the third interlude "Anmchara - Uma Alma Amiga" (A Friendly Soul) consists of an enchanting flute melody. The last track from the first chapter "Tristitia, Absentia, Molestia" is an extract from a Mexican radio show that made an interview with Antiquus Scriptum. Now that we are finished with the first part , we continue with the second chapter "Tributum". It has a total lenght of 18 minutes, where as the first chapter was a hour long. The songs that Antiquus Scriptum chose to cover make the roots of the band clearly visible. Actually the cover songs are rather close to the original, so, unfortunately there is a small lack of originality in here, but they are still decent covers and no reason for panic or excitement. The first song is a cover of Venom's "Manitou", followed by "Dethroned Emperor" by Celtic Frost, which the band already released as a digital single some time before. The third cover song is "Skeletons Of Society", originally played by Slayer. The next two songs are short and brutal songs that Sacerdos Magus originally composed for his former Punk / Crossover and Grindcore bands as Psycoma and The Invertebrate. The next song "Philosophy Of Negativity" was created for his previous Crossover band Mordaça. The last song on the whole album is a cover of the prelude of Manowar's half-hour epic "Achilles, Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts".In conclusion, this is an excellent album with many great ideas and a distinctive Antiquus Scriptum's sound. Unfortunately the total lenght of 76 minutes might make the listener loose concentration at some points. In my opinion, it would a good idea to exclude the cover songs from "Conclamatum Est" and publish them on a one-off release. It might take some time for the untrained ear to get used to the overwhelming Antiquus Scriptum 's sound, but believe me, it is worth the while and after some time all of you will love it! Like the other Antiquus Scriptum's releases, "Conclamatum Est" is available for free download and if you want to do me, Sacerdos Magus and most likely yourself a favour, download it and give it a listen. Furthermore there are more Antiquus Scriptum's releases to come in 2012, such as the new album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis..." and the compilation "Symphonies Of Winter Through Eternal Forests". Stay tuned!" 85 / 100 (Lennard Kamischke - Valhalla Promotions)
Conclamatum Est,
Review do álbum "Abi In Malam Pestem" pela Todestrieb Distro do Reino Unido (Versão Portuguesa)
"Os Antiquus Scriptum (Portugal) compartilham a apreciação pelo experimental com a banda de "Avant-Garde Black Metal" The Firstborn. O membro fundador Sacerdos Magus foi claro membro de Firstborn (previamente Firstborn Evil), os outros membros formaram ou juntaram-se a várias bandas de Death Metal. Estas demos podem ser consideradas menos maduras que os álbuns de Firstborn, mas a energia crua e o total excesso fazem-nas tão boas de ouvir, ou senão, muito mais ainda! A caixa de ritmos pode ser extremamente rápida, os teclados formam um forte elemento e são usados de variadas formas (de orquestral para folk), as guitarras são duas paredes de poder cru!... E então as vozes... As vozes são rebeldes! À primeira vista fazem lembrar Sacrilege. Lamentos muito Punk, mas encaixando-se perfeitamente com caos musical! Há também coros, partes corais... Esta é uma coleção única e enquanto a descrição pode parecer uma bagunça, esta banda conseguiu faze-lo com uma habilidade tremenda! Este material merece certemente ser reeditado e redescoberto! Esta é uma orgia massiva de sons e recomendado!" (Todestrieb Distro)
Review of "Abi In Malam Pestem" by Todestrieb Distro (UK)
"Antiquus Scriptum (Portugal) shares an appreciation of the experimental with "avant-garde black metal" band The Firstborn. The founding member Sacerdos is of course a member of Firstborn (previously Firstborn Evil), the other members have formed/joined several Death metal bands. These demos may be considered less mature than the Firstborn albums, but the raw energy and total excess makes them just as exciting to hear, if not, much more so! The drum machine can go blisteringly fast, keyboards form a strong element and are used in a variety of ways (from orchestral to folk); guitars are a wall of raw power. And then the vocals. The vocals are Wild! On first play they sounded almost like Sacrilege.. high punky wails! But totally fitting for the musical chaos. There are also sung, choral parts. This is a unique collection, and while the description may read like a mess this band manage to bring it together with some skill. This material certainly deserved to be re-released and rediscovered. This is a massive orgy of sounds. And recommended". (Todestrieb Distro)
Entrevista de Antiquus Scriptum para a Music Of Shadows Webzine (Versão Portuguesa)
1 - Olá Sacerdos Magus! Por favor apresenta-te a ti e a Antiquus Scriptum.
Olá Robert! Bom, Antiquus Scriptum é o meu projeto pessoal criado em 1998, após ter saído da banda de Black Metal Firstborn Evil (atualmente The Firstborn), com quem estive entre 1995 & 1998. Tem três albuns editados, algumas compilações e está a ser gravado um quarto longa duração. Todos os trabalhos têm reedição marcada para breve, também... É um projeto que busca inspiração nas antigas heranças lusitanas, lendas, história antiga, mitologia, embora também foque assuntos mais pessoais e introspetivos... A música vai do old school Black Metal de carisma mais pagan, symphonic & viking com influências mais Thrash Metal, misturando pitadas de música tradicional ou Folk, música ambiental, clássica, etc... Enfim, é o meu universo cósmico e mundo pessoal em forma de frases e notas musicais...
2 - Tanto quanto sei Antiquus Scriptum era uma banda completa, mas depressa só tu é que acabarias por ficar no projeto, porquê? Gostas de trabalhar sozinho na música ou qual foi a razão para só teres ficado tu?
Antiquus Scriptum ainda foi uma banda dois anos, entre 1998 & 1999, mas os músicos que estavam comigo simplesmente não eram os indicados para o projeto e eu tinha muita vontade de fazer algo, não sozinho, mas de minha criação. Totalmente escrito e tocado por mim, com letras e músicas minhas, mas claro, sempre com participações de amigos músicos e foi o que aconteceu... Eu nunca fiz música sozinho e acho que nunca vou fazer! Depois disso, convidei os irmãos Vieira, o Paulo Vieira e oGustavo Vieira, que já vinham comigo dos Firstborn Evil a participarem e ainda é com eles que trabalho passados 17 longos anos... Agora mais recentemente acrescidos do seu irmão mais novo Ricardo Vieira e etc. Apesar do projeto ser meu como já disse, tem sempre muitas participações musicais nos discos... Não pode é ser considerado uma banda, mas também não é uma one-man-band...
3 - Pelo que eu sei, algumas pessoas pensam que és cristão e que Antiquus Scriptum é uma banda cristã. O que pensas do cristianismo e da religião em geral e o que achas de bandas que usam a música (especialmente no Black / Death Metal) para espalhar esta mensagem?
"Não sou ateniense nem grego, mas sim um cidadão do mundo", já dizia o grande filósofo Sócrates, ou seja, não sou cristão, nem satânico, nem crente, nem praticante, nem nada!... Considero-me céptico e acredito apenas no que vejo! Não dou importância alguma ao sobrenatural, ao bíblico nem a nada disso! Para mim o bem e o mal são duas faces da mesma moeda, que os judeus eternizaram com a invenção do céu e do inferno... Claro que não suporto a posição que a igreja cátolica tomou, e ainda toma, no curso da história universal, mas refugiar-me no mal é coisa que eu não faço... Os boatos de Atiquus Scriptum ser uma banda cristã, vêm provavelmente de bestas quadradas que se julgam muito satânicas que só vêm Belzebu e forças do mal à frente, pois se fossem intiligentes o suficiente para analisarem as temáticas do projeto antes de o julgarem, talvez não dissessem tantos disparates! Claro que Antiquus Scriptum não é um projeto cristão, isso são tudo invenções merdosas, talvez pelo logotipo conter uma cruz templária e não andar para aí a berrar por Satanás!... Claro que há bandas muito boas com mensagem cristã, embora REPITO (!), esse não seja o caso de Antiquus Scriptum nem pouco mais ou menos... Por exemplo, adoro Helloween e eles têm uma mensagem claramente cristã nas letras... Dentro do Black Metal também as há, talvez como por exemplo Antestor ou Shadows Of Paragon... Duas exelentes bandas com mensagem cristã, que fazem um Black Metal de se lhe tirar o chapéu, caro Robert!... Eu tenho gostos muito ecléticos e não me prendo a religiões, ou mensagens... Eu consigo tirar um CD de Mayhem para ouvir uns cantos gregorianos de monges cristãos sem problema nenhum!
4 - Por favor conta-nos um pouco da tua história musical. Porque começas-te a fazer música? O que é que ela significa para ti e quais são as tuas influências musicais?
Eu desde muito novo que prestei logo atenção à música, às melodias e até mesmo às letras... Eu nasci em 1976 e claro, lembro-me de começar a prestar atenção à música logo para aí em 1980, 81. O meu pai tinha uma coleção de discos vinil de artistas como o Cat Stevens, Demis Roussos, Abba, Ping Floyd, Janis Joplin, The Doors e esses artistas dos 70's eu maravilhava-me a ouvir aquilo e já prestando atenção aos diferentes instrumentos. Como sabes a década de oitenta foi muito rica nos campos das artes, principalmente no cinema e na música. O Pop estoirou na TV e nas rádios e eram quase semanais, hits que ficavam imortalizados para sempre!... Lembro-me de ficar fascinado com tanto hit e a querer arranjar as músicas para mim. Uma amiga minha, p'ra aí em 1986 ofereceu-me uma k7 original com o primeiro álbum dos Xutos & Pontapés, que foram uma importante banda Rock aqui em Portugal nos anos 80 e estragou tudo, pois fiquei viciado em Rock de tal maneira, que nunca mais o consegui largar! Estava na moda tocar e ter uma banda e foi nesta altura que estoira o Heavy Metal aqui por terras lusas... Foi uma torrente de gerações de músicos de garagem e bandas, como nunca se tinha visto e acho que nunca se voltará a ver!... Eu tive a minha primeira banda de Thrash Metal, os Anesthesia em 1992, onde era baixo e voz. Depois em 1994 formei uma banda de Punk / Hardcore chamada Psycoma, que durou até finais de 95, altura em que formámos a Banda de Black Metal Firstborn Evil, que atualmente se designa somente The Firstborn, com quem estive três maravilhosos anos da minha vida e foi a banda em que se pode dizer que me tornei músico! Além disso conheci dois amigos para a vida, o Paulo e o Gustavo... Perguntas-te também sobre as minhas influências musicais e acho que já respondi a isso também na primeira pergunta; gosto também de Folk, world music, música clássica, erudita, cantos gregorianos, óperas e tudo isso... Eu tenho um ouvido muito eclético nos vastos campos da música!...
5 - É bastante obvio que tens uma forte ligação com a natureza e com a história, e porquê?
Sim, é verdade, embora viva em plena cidade atualmente... A minha família é do Gerês, no Norte de Portugal e vem daí a minha paixão pela natureza e pelo folklore. Sempre me cativaram as paisagens altivas do Norte, as magestosas montanhas, os rios, os lagos... E não só, o Folklore, o estilo de vida das pessoas ainda muito apegada aos antepassados, enfim, tudo isso sempre me fascinou desde muito cedo, também! A história sempre foi uma disciplina que eu adorei na escola e ainda é fonte de inspiração frequente para escrever letras para Antiquus Scriptum, como já tive oportunidade de dizer... Adoro história antiga e há muita gente que me pergunta se eu tenho alguma formação nesta área, eheheh, devido à minha dedicação. No projeto consigo conciliar estas duas paixões, juntamente à vontade de fazer música e sinto-me muito bem com isso!
6 - Tanto quanto se pode apurar um novo álbum está a caminho via Luci Dist. Podes-nos dizer o que podemos esperar dele? Vai estar na veia dos vossos álbuns antigos ou vai ser algo novo?
Sim, está agendado para o Natal, vamos lá a ver se conseguimos cumprir o timing... Olha, podem esperar um álbum maduro, sólido, com fortes estruturas de composição, letras também fortes e muita melodia, garra e inspiração!... Tem a veemência e a agressividade, claro, dos primeiros álbuns, mas está mais evoluído tecnicamente, mais espontâneo e com arranjos já muito bem conseguidos! Acho que este álbum não vai desiludir ninguém, antes pelo contrário, acho que até será candidato talvez a melhor trabalho de Antiquus Scriptum, mas vamos esperar para ver como é recebido pela malta e depois falamos melhor sobre isso... Mas esperem um passo em frente na carreira de Antiquus Scriptum, com muitas pontes e interlúdios como é costume e um capítulo de covers de algumas versões engraçadas que fizemos...
7 - Quero-te agradecer a colaboração com a Music Of Shadows Webzine e espero que tenhas gostado da entrevista. Por favor fica à vontade de fechares esta entrevista da maneira que achares melhor.
Olha Robert, só quero desejar o melhor para a Music Of Shadows também e ao pessoal quero só pedir para não se ficarem pelos mp3 e comprarem os álbuns das bandas que gostam! Comprem camisolas, vão aos concertos, comprem os discos, mas apoiem as bandas que vocês gostam, principalmente as pequenas, pois elas desdobram-se para poder sobreviver neste mundo em declínio que é o da música Underground. Obrigado a todos por lerem esta entrevista, abraço!
. Obrigado Sacerdos Magus!
. Obrigado Robert e tudo de bom!
Conclamatum Est,
Antiquus Scriptum's interview for Music Of Shadows Webzine
1. Hello Sacerdos Magus! Please introduce Yourself and Antiquus Scriptum to us.
Hello Robert! Well, Antiquus Scriptum is my personal project created in 1998 after leaving the Black Metal band Firstborn Evil (currently The Firstborn), with whom I've been between 1995 & 1998. Has released three albums, some compilations and is being recorded a fourth full-length. All the works are scheduled soon to be re-edicted, too ... It's a project that seeks inspiration in ancient Lusitanian heritage, legends, ancient history, mythology, but also focus on issues more personal and introspective... The music ranges from old school Black Metal with charisma more pagan, viking & symphonic, with Thrash Metal influences over, mixing bits of traditional music or Folk, ambient music, classical, etc... Anyway, that's my personal world and the cosmic universe in the form of musical notes and phrases...
2. As much as I know Antiquus Scriptum was a full member band but very soon
only You were left in the band, why so? Do like to work alone on your music
or what's the reason that only You're left?
Antiquus Scriptum still was a band two years, between 1998 & 1999, but the musicians whom were with me were simply not suitable for the project and I was really keen to do something, not alone, but of my creation. Entirely written and played by me, with my lyrics and music, but of course, always with the participation of musicians and friends is what happened... I've never made music alone and think I'll ever make! After that, I invited the brothers Vieira, Paulo Vieira and Gustavo Vieira, whom has come with me from Firstborn Evil and is still working with them passed 17 long years... Now more recently increased his younger brother Ricardo Vieira and etc... Although being the project mine as I have said, has always many guests in studio... It can not be considered a band, but is not also a one-man-band...
3. From what I know, some people think that You're a christian and that Antiquus Scriptum
is a christian band. What are Your thoughts on christianity and religion in general and what
do You think about bands that use music (especially black & death metal) to spread it?
"I am not Athenian or Greek, but a citizen of the world", as the great philosopher Socrates said, or am not a Christian, nor satanic, neither believer nor practitioner, or anything!... I consider myself skeptical and believe only what I see! I do not give any importance to the supernatural, the Biblical nor any of it! For me, good and evil are two sides of the same coin, that Jews eternalized with the invention of heaven and hell... Of course I can not stand the position that the Catholic Church took, and still takes in the course of world history, but to take refuge in evil is something that I do not... Rumors of Atiquus Scriptum be a Christian band, are likely to square beasts whom think that only come very satanic and evil forces Beelzebub ahead, as if they were smart enough to try to understand the thematics of the project before judge it, maybe would not say so much nonsense! Sure Antiquus Scriptum is not a Christian project, it is all shity inventions, perhaps by the logo contain a Templar cross and I do not walk around screaming for Satan!... Of course there are very good bands with Christian message, though I REPEAT (!), This is not the case Antiquus Scriptum or more or less... For example, I love Helloween and they have a clear Christian message in the lyrics... Inside the Black Metal is also, perhaps such as Antestor or Shadows Of Paragon... Two excellent bands with Christian message, making a Black Metal to take his hat, dear Robert!... I have very eclectic tastes and I do not hold the religions, or messages... I can take a CD of Mayhem to hear some Gregorian chants of Christian monks without any problem!
4. Please tell me a bit about Your musical history. Why have You started making music?
What does it mean to You? What are your musical influences?
I watched from a young age that just focus on music, the melodies and even the lyrics... I was born in 1976 and of course, I remember starting to pay attention to music in there soon for 1980, 81. My father had a collection of vinyl records of artists such as Cat Stevens, Demis Roussos, Abba, Ping Floyd, Janis Joplin, The Doors and those artists of the 70's. It marveled me to hear that and now paying attention to the different instruments. As you know the eighties was a very rich fields of the arts, especially cinema and music. The Pop broke out on TV and radio and were almost weekly, hits that were immortalized forever!... I remember being fascinated with such hits and want to get the songs for me. A friend of mine, there in 1986 offered me a tape with the original first album of Xutos & Pontapés, which were an important Rock band here in Portugal in the 80's and blew it because I was addicted to Rock insomuch whom never got the drop! Was fashionable play and have a band and was at this time that breaks out the Heavy Metal here by Lusitanian lands... It was a torrent of generations of musicians and garage bands, such as had never been seen and never again think about!... I had my first Thrash Metal band, the Anesthesia in 1992, where I was bass and vocals. Then in 1994 I formed a Punk / Hardcore band called Psycoma, which lasted until the end of '95, when we formed the Black Metal band Firstborn Evil, which currently designates only by The Firstborn, with whom I've been three wonderful years of my life and was the band in which one can say that I became a musician! Also I met two friends for life, Paulo and Gustavo... You also asked about my musical influences and I think I have already answered that in the first question too, I also like Folk, world music, classical music, soft music, Gregorian chants, opera and all that... I have a very eclectic ear in the vast fields of music!...
5. It's pretty obvious that You have a strong conection with nature and history, why so?
Yes, it is true! Although I fully live in the city today... My family is from Gêres, in the north of Portugal and is hence my passion for nature and folklore. I have always be captivated by the haughty landscapes of North, the magestic of the mountains, the rivers, lakes... Not only that, the Folklore, the lifestyle of people still very attached to the ancestors, everything that has always fascinated me from an early age, too! History has always been a discipline that I loved in high school and is still a frequent source of inspiration for writing lyrics to Antiquus Scriptum, as I have already said... I love ancient history and a lot of people ask me if I have any training in this area, eheheh, because of my dedication. In the project I can reconcile these two passions together with the desire to making music and I feel very good about it!
6. As much as I know a new release is coming via Luci Dist. Can You tell us what
the we can expect from it, will it be in the manner of Your earlyer releases or will
it be something new?
Yes, is scheduled for Christmas, let's see if we can meet the timing... Look, you can expect an ripe album, solid, with strong compositional structures, lyrics and much too strong melody, guts and inspiration!... Has the vehemence and aggressiveness, of course, of the first albums, but is more technically evolved, more spontaneous and with arrangements already very well done! I think this album will not disappoint anyone, on the contrary, I think even maybe the best candidate to the best work of Antiquus Scriptum, but let's wait to see how it's received by the guys and then we talk about it... But wait a step forward in the career of Antiquus Scriptum, with many bridges and interludes as usual and a chapter of covers of some funny versions we made...
7. I want to thank You for the interest in Music Of Shadows Webzine and I hope that You've enjoyed the interview. Please feel free to close this interview the way You want.
Look Robert, just want to wish the best for Music Of Shadows and to the guys also I want to ask only for you don't get the mp3 only and buy the albums of bands you like! Buy sweaters, go to concerts, buy the records, but support the bands you like, especially the small ones, as they unfold in order to survive in this world which is the decline in music Underground. Thank you all for reading this interview, hug!
. Thanks Sacerdos Magus!
. Thank you Robert and all the best!
Conclamatum Est,
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