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Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Recovering The Throne (Tribute Album)" - Cover Revelation!!

Regards, Armies of Death! It is with pleasure that I reveal the cover that will be part of the upcoming tribute album of Antiquus Scriptum and as you know it shall be entitled "Recovering The Throne (Tribute Album)". I remember those more distracted ones that the instrumental for this work is recorded and will soon be carried the rehearsals and voice recording and subsequent production and mixing. The album is scheduled to come out this autumn by the German label Pesttanz Klangschmiede in professional CD format (1.000 copies) + Digipack (100 copies) and also on tape by South Korean Fallen-Angels Productions, in a wooden box-set that includes 6 professional tapes of Antiquus Scriptum! Soon an advance video of what we are doing... BEWARE!!... 
Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Baixo das covers gravado!!

Saudações da Fortaleza dos Pesadelos! Foi hoje realizada com sucesso uma seção no Mosh Pit Studios, pertencente ao meu amigo Paulo Vieira, a fim de registar a viola baixo das covers que vão figurar do novo álbum tributo de Antiquus Scriptum, "Recovering The Throne (Tribute Album)"... 

... Agora há aí um bico a resolver com os ensaios e local para gravar voz, mas estou confiante que os antigos deuses lusitanos soprarão ventos favoráveis e que no Outono eu possa ter finalmente o registo pronto e assim enviar posteriormente os masters às editoras que lançarão este trabalho em CD, Digipack & tape... 

... Não posso deixar de agradecer ao Ricardo Vieira por me ter safado o baixo para ensaiar durante um mês e ao Damázio pelo colossal Fender para gravar. Abraço a todos! 
Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Box-Set of tapes through Fallen-Angels Productions from South Korea in early Autumn!!

Greetings from the Fortress of Nightmares! I Step today's lighter then courage, to give you good news... The South Korean label Fallen-Angels Productions (, will release in the next autumn a box-set in wood, similar to the French band Belenos that you can see in the photo and shall also dwell soon in my collection... :)  The wood-box will be limited to only 25 pieces and shall include 6 pro tapes of Antiquus Scriptum: the demo "In Pulverem Reverteris" with the original graphite (repress), the 4 full-lengths of the project and the upcoming tribute album "Recovering The Throne (Tribute Album)", which as you know is being recorded right now to be released in the autumn in CD and digipack also by Pesttanz Klangschmiede, from Germany, the official label of Antiquus Scriptum. I can not even tell you about prices at the moment, but I advance that I'll only have 5 boxes for sale, so beware! Regards to all, thank you. Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/