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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Antiquus Scriptum - "Tales From The Past Millennium" (Demo 1999)

Rainy Greetings! I'm pleased to present ye and offer for free download the very first demo tape of Antiquus Scriptum that went missing nearly 15 years and now with the help of my friend and former bandmate, the guitarist Vitor Mendes (Asmodeus), we managed to recover. The demo is named "Tales From The Past Millennium" and as ye can see is clearly an ironic satire of the Amorphis album "Tales From The Thousand Lakes", which we use mockingly. The track list is the follow:

1 - Dance Of The Sleepless Souls In A Dusk Called Night... (Intro) 02:25
2 - Osculum Infame 06:17
3 - In Pulverem Reverteris 02:00
4 - Lucid Fairytale (Napalm Death) - Live 01:10
5 - Dance Of The Crying Souls In A Dusk Called Night... (Outro) 02:10

And can dowload it here:

Hope you like it , wait a band on earlier career and a grinding sound of Raw Black Metal from the late 90's... Thank you all. Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Friday, December 13, 2013

Antiquus Scriptum: Entrevista no "Sangue & Honra" em Janeiro!!!

Honrosas Saudações! Antiquus Scriptum dará uma entrevista exclusiva para o programa "Sangue & Honra" da Rock 'N' Radio (, já em Janeiro. A entrevista será gravada no dia 5 e será conduzida por Rui Amiguinho, homem por detrás deste bom programa de net rádio e paralelamente guardião da editora Egg of Nihilism Productions e de várias zines nacionais que circulam pelo Underground; portanto, um homem sabido destas andanças extremas... Até breve então, fiquem bem, fiquem com a Rock 'N' Radio! Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

T-Shirts of Antiquus Scriptum available in May / June through Pesttanz Klangschmiede!!!

Heterodox greetings! The German label Pesttanz Klangschmiede shall produce in May / June next, 100 t-shirts of Antiquus Scriptum, in order to commemorate by this time 1 year of contract and work between my humble project and this effortful and honest German label... And what a year!... Be all like this from now on! Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Antiquus Scriptum no "Alta Tensão" da Antena 3!!!

Saudações do subsolo! Hoje, Terça Feira dia 10 de Dezembro, estarei na rádio Antena 3 à conversa com o inigualável, o incontornável, o mago dos campos tenebrosos do Heavy Metal por terras lusas, António Freitas, para assim gravar uma entrevista ao meu humilde projeto Antiquus Scriptum, que passará brevemente no seu "Alta Tensão"... Desejem-me sorte! Humildemente:
 Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Antiquus Scriptum: "Conclamatum Est" reissued by Pesttanz on digipack in the Winter 2014!!!

Greetings from the shadows! The German Pesttanz Klangschmiede, leading label of Antiquus Scriptum, shall reissue in the next Winter of 2014 the album of the project from 2010, "Conclamatum Est," which saw the light of day professionally in July 2013 by the Austrian Talheim Records in a run of 500 copies in jewel case and will then be revisited by Pesttanz that this time it will take 600 copies in deluxe digipak format. The reissue of this record shall be made after the tribute album of Antiquus Scriptum, "Recovering The Throne (Tribute Album)", planned for the beginning of Autumn and in pair with the edition of the album "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis ..." on vinyl by this effortful and honest German label. Thank you all! Humbly: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

"... Recôndito é o Nocturno Covil do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra em IV Capítulos)" from antiquus Scriptum re-edited by Rotten Crowz Productions in June 2014!!!

Greetings from the infernal dungeon! The Hungarian label, Rotten Crowz Productions, will reissue in May / June 2014 the ambiental / folk compilation of Antiquus Scriptum, "... Recôndito é o Nocturno Covil do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra em IV Capítulos)", which originally came out in 2012 by Runenstein Records from Germany in a run of 100 copies and is already sold out. Shall be more 100 copies then from this label of Hungary in Pro-CDr, with new artwork (except the cover art), planned for the end of Spring next year. Thanks to Crowz the reissue and all of ye! Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Antiquus Scriptum: "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis ..." on vinyl in the Autumn 2014!!!

Greetings from the enchanted woods! The German label Pesttanz Klangschmiede shall release on vinyl in the Autumn 2014 the last album of Antiquus Scriptum, "Ars Longa Vita Brevis...", in an draft of 500 copies. The record will double, due to the length of this album that is of 78 minutes and shall excel to match for the visual impact. The label tensions to go down and editing the discography of 4 albums of the project on vinyl in descending order, as is doing now on CD. Thank you for your attention! Humbly: 
Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Antiquus Scriptum no "Alta Tensão" da Antena 3!!!

Saudações do reino ancestral! É com orgulho que vos informo que o meu humilde projeto Antiquus Scriptum estará brevemente no programa "Alta Tensão" do incontornável (nestas coisas do Heavy Metal) António Freitas. A entrevista será gravada na próxima Terça Feira, dia 10 de Dezembro, mas irá somente para o ar uns dias mais tarde... Assim que souber quando passa avisarei convenientemente, obrigado. Humildemente: Sacerdos Magus \m/ O \m/